How often have we gathered, Hawt, to attend upon the chaliced oracle of Thomas Dyk's fair cocksheath, poised to flare its prophecy? "Speak, Wonder," and guide our fated fealty to thine instruction. But who's this pucky pugilist, of penis-shorn distension, rapping knuckles in their padding to disarm complaint of cladding gone astray, and this prone and pretty pleader with his spread of parted mounds, such crushpads of resiliency as praise for him rebounds? Such enrichment of suck's penisflesh has seldom gained its thresh, more sumptuously than splatters he this blonded oral mesh. Still, perhaps for the happiest adjustment to the burden of testicles we turn to this slappy bather, jangling buoyant balls within his moat, the better to disseminate the balsam that they tote. Which leads us to a guy suspiciously resembling Ty Colt, cantilevered for a picnic on his porch, with every course a miracle, hot enough to scorch. Is this a posting, or a guest list for the weekend?
How often have we gathered, Hawt, to attend upon the chaliced oracle of Thomas Dyk's fair cocksheath, poised to flare its prophecy? "Speak, Wonder," and guide our fated fealty to thine instruction. But who's this pucky pugilist, of penis-shorn distension, rapping knuckles in their padding to disarm complaint of cladding gone astray, and this prone and pretty pleader with his spread of parted mounds, such crushpads of resiliency as praise for him rebounds? Such enrichment of suck's penisflesh has seldom gained its thresh, more sumptuously than splatters he this blonded oral mesh. Still, perhaps for the happiest adjustment to the burden of testicles we turn to this slappy bather, jangling buoyant balls within his moat, the better to disseminate the balsam that they tote. Which leads us to a guy suspiciously resembling Ty Colt, cantilevered for a picnic on his porch, with every course a miracle, hot enough to scorch. Is this a posting, or a guest list for the weekend?
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