Thursday, March 17, 2011


This blog is on hiatus...


Anonymous said...

Come back, come back - from wherever you are!

H A W T Blog said...

Google seems to be on an anti-porn campaign, and Picasa is intent on closing all accounts related to porn blogs.

Anonymous said...

Because Porn is so dangerous, right? What's wrong with these people?

Anonymous said...

Google, like the U.S. Supreme Court has no idea what PORN is, so why should they worry about your enthusiastic postings? They show nothing but appreciation for the special beauty of some of half the world's population - products of Nature and Nurture. It's hardly as though you were promoting ogres and imps doing things with naughty bits.

Anonymous said...

It's a HOLOCAUST - rather like the Nazis ridding the world of Jews by wholesale extinction.

H A W T Blog said...

Thank you all for your comments... Holocaust Analogy Anon... come on, really?!?

I am fighting to get what I lost back... but I have to be honest, I am not doing it for this blog, rather the thousands of pictures that have been deleted from my HAWT blog...

One battle at a time... and my focus is there right now... and I ain't going down without a major fucking brawl!

And ya know... maybe we can all get off our fucking asses, shed our guises of anonymity and stealth, and stand up to these fuckers?!? Let them know that we have had enough?!?

Vitriol and venomous accusations serve no purpose... we need constructive ideas!!

MizaelTV said...

Hey.. I love this Blog!!!.. What about us??

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